posted: July 06, 2023 

How to Configure TR-069 on Your Device and Connect it to the ACS Server? 5-step plan!

Seamless TR-069 Configuration: 5 easy steps

Technical support and remote management of customer-premises equipment (CPE) devices have become essential for Communication service providers (CSPs), Internet service providers (ISPs), and network operators. TR-069, or the CPE WAN Management Protocol (CWMP), is a standardised protocol designed to facilitate the remote management of these devices. In this article, we'll guide you through configuring TR-069 ACS on your device and connecting it to the ACS server.

Step 1: Access your device's interface

  • Verify the device’s manual whether it offers a graphical user interface (GUI) or command line interface (CLI) and what port number is used.
  • Find out the device’s IP: WAN IP or local IP if connecting via WiFi/LAN.
  • Enter the device's IP in your web browser or connect via SSH or Telnet.
  • provide respective credentials: available in the device’s manual or use previously configured ones.

Step 2: Configure ACS URL, ACS Username, and ACS Password

  • Locate the TR-069 settings. These may be found under the "Management" or "Advanced" settings tab.
  • Enter the following details provided by your ISP or ACS server administrator:
    • ACS URL: The server address where your device will connect to the ACS server.
    • ACS Username: The username required to authenticate your device with the ACS server.
    • ACS Password: The password required to authenticate your device with the ACS server.
  • Save your settings.

Step 3: Configure Connection Request Username and Connection Request Password

  • Still in the TR-069 settings, locate the "Connection Request" or "Connection Credentials" section.
  • Enter the following details provided by the ACS server administrator:
    • Connection Request Username: The username required for the ACS server to authenticate when initiating a connection request to your device.
    • Connection Request Password: The password required for the ACS server to authenticate when initiating a connection request to your device.
  • Save your settings.

Step 4: Enable Periodic Inform and Set the Interval

  • Locate the "Periodic Inform" settings within the TR-069 settings.
  • Enable the "Periodic Inform" option by checking the box or toggling the switch.
  • Set the "Periodic Inform Interval" to 300 seconds (or 5 minutes) to ensure your device regularly connects to the ACS server.
  • Save your settings.

Step 5: Verify WAN Configuration (if necessary)

Some devices may require reconfiguration of WAN connections to enable TR-069 service on top of existing Internet or VoIP configurations. An example of such a device is the Huawei 8245H. If this applies to your device, consult your device's documentation in reconfiguring your WAN connections.

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