
AVSystem TR-069 Module Chosen by Arcadyan for its Femtocell Family

Customers & Partners 02 November 2010

Arcadyan Technology has selected AVSystem’s solution for its Femtocell product family. The decision has been made after evaluation of flexibility, coherency and extensibility of the solutions available on the market.

About Arcadyan

Established in 2003, Arcadyan brings the best of Broadband access, Multimedia and Wireless infrastructure expertise. This winning combination creates an innovative approach to broadband access technology development and optimizes audio/video streaming quality. Arcadyan delivers a full line of broadband access and digital home solutions, such as xDSL IAD/router, access points, home gateways, 802.11a/b/g/n client solutions, antennas, Wi-Fi modules, etc. Arcadyan provides innovative wireless products for specialized design-in requirements as well as add-on products to enhance today’s products with wireless convenience.

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