
AVSystem Introduces New Linkyfi Solution to Monitor Visitor Numbers and Facilitate Physical Distancing in Public Venues

AVSystem is proud to announce the release of Linkyfi Social Distancing and Occupancy Management - a tool that helps stores, malls and other businesses manage the number of customers in the venue, as well as maintain required physical distancing.

To this day AVSystem’s venue and user journey optimization tool, Linkyfi, has been successfully implemented across a variety of enterprises around the globe. Yet this is a new step the software provider has taken towards alleviating the issues some businesses face post COVID-19 lockdown. As the economic freeze starts to thaw, businesses are looking for an easily applicable, non-disruptive tool for occupancy management that will allow them to maintain physical distancing in compliance with state-imposed regulations.

Linkyfi’s solution comes with a set of features that make it easier to manage occupancy in any public venue. In particular, it lets businesses monitor the number of visitors and notify relevant colleagues via e-mail or SMS if limits are exceeded. Machine learning-based analytics allow owners to predict the busiest times for business in order to better allocate human resources and prepare for the influx of visitors. Information about traffic can also be shared with the customers so they can plan their shopping better, too. Based on anonymous historical data it is possible to track a typical customer journey and eliminate likely points of congestion to facilitate physical distancing and keep customers and colleagues safe. The Linkyfi suite is offered in a SaaS model and uses the existing WiFi infrastructure that businesses have in the venue to collect data, which is why it is a fast, accessible, and cost-effective solution. 

We have always known that our products, such as Linkyfi, help businesses thrive, but we’re particularly proud that we can also help people to protect their lives & health! Our Linkyfi Social Distancing & Occupancy Management is a perfect tool for businesses that have to meet policies and customer expectations regarding safety in the post-coronavirus era – says Slawomir Wolf, CEO at AVSystem.

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