
AVSystem Joins IoT M2M Council to Share Their Expertise in IoT Device Management

Business 19 March 2020

AVSystem, leader in IoT device management solutions, joins IoT M2M Council to share knowledge about device management in IoT and telco deployments. IoT M2M Council is the largest and fastest-growing trade organisation in the IoT/M2M sector. It has already over 20,000 OEMs, enterprise users, and apps developers as members, and an average of 300 new members joining weekly. The goal of the organisation is to see IoT/M2M technology through a broader perspective, taking insights from many different technical standards and various industry verticals.

Providing IoT adopters with lessons learned from real use cases is priceless. We believe that AVSystem’s insight into various IoT deployments in different industries will help to reduce risks and contribute to lower costs of IoT deployments, better products and improved interoperability on the market – says Slawomir Wolf, CEO at AVSystem.

AVSystem is expected to play an active role in IMC’s activities to share thoughts, case studies & knowledge about device management and WiFi solutions in Internet of Things & telecommunications through various online and offline initiatives.

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