

ip networks
  • IPv6 adoption and allocation policy, part 2

    IPv6 adoption and allocation policy, part 2

    IP assignment policy As previously mentioned, each IP address is associated with a specific geographical region (e.g. country). It does not however expose the location of a device itself, but rather ...

    14 February 2024
  • Are we in the IPv6 era yet?

    IPv6 adoption and allocation policy, part 1

    According to the IPv6 adoption statistics published by Google, the percentage of Internet users accessing their services over IPv6 reached in early December 2023 almost 45% at its peak. In the same pe...

    25 January 2024
  • IPv4 vs IPv6: Is one better than the other?

    It’s time to switch to IPv6, if only because we’re out of IPv4 addresses. But is the new version of the IP protocol actually better?

    Bartłomiej Grochal
    08 November 2021
  • Everything you need to know about IPv4

    IPv4 is the most widely applied version of the Internet Protocol. How does it work and what would happen if we ran out of IPv4 addresses?

    11 October 2021
  • What’s the fuss with IPv6

    IPv6 is the newest generation of the Internet Protocol that will eventually replace currently used IPv4. Why? How? Here are the answers!

    07 September 2021
  • What is IPAM and how does it differ from a DHCP server?

    Managing your IP address space manually is no longer possible, but thankfully we have IP address management. What is it and why you need it?

    26 August 2021
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