
CopperGate has Integrated AVSystem TR-069 Client with Chipsets

We are glad to inform you that CopperGate Communication has selected AVSystem TR-069 solution to be incorporated within CopperGate product family.

CopperGate found products offered by AVSystem as technology absolutely best in the market when comparing to solutions from AVSystem’s competitors. The lowest memory consumption, the highest flexibility and absolutely generic abstraction layer are the features of the best TR-069 library.

CopperGate selected AVsystem to be our TR-69 library supplier for several reasons. Primarily because their code base is well architected and the cost we found to be quite reasonable for such systems. We were pleasantly surprised to quickly discover that we not only received an excellent code, but a trustworthy partner we could depend on. We received help and assistance on line with any problem no matter how big or small. AVSystem demonstrated the best quality support I have encountered today.

Yishai Amsterdamer, System Engineer at CopperGate

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