posted: November 22, 2023 

Enhanced Water Management: Smart Water Metering Demo

Enhanced Water Management: Smart Water Metering Demo

In the face of growing global concerns surrounding water scarcity and environmental sustainability, the importance of effective water management cannot be overstated. Water management companies, tasked with safeguarding this precious resource, require advanced technology solutions to maximize efficiency and conservation.

Smart Water Meters: A Technological Leap Forward

To address this pressing need, smart water meters have emerged as a pivotal component in modern water management. These advanced devices transcend the capabilities of conventional water meters by leveraging wireless communication and Internet of Things (IoT) technology. Smart water meters autonomously collect and transmit real-time water consumption data to utility providers, offering a streamlined and automated approach to monitoring water usage.

Enhancing Resource Efficiency with NB-IoT and LwM2M

To further augment the capabilities of smart water meters, water management companies are turning to the adoption of Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT) technology. This strategic choice is driven by its energy-efficient design, extended communication range, and cost-effectiveness, empowering water management companies to achieve real-time monitoring and remote control of water infrastructure. Moreover, the secure nature of NB-IoT networks safeguards sensitive data and protects the integrity of water management systems.

When coupled with the LwM2M IoT device management protocol, the advantages multiply. The seamless integration with NB-IoT networks brings forth efficient device management, substantial cost savings through reduced maintenance, bolstered security measures, remote operability, scalability to accommodate expansive networks, and the ability to derive valuable insights from data.

In a world where water resources are under constant strain, the synergy of NB-IoT and LwM2M stands as a beacon of hope, offering water management companies the tools they need to preserve this vital resource effectively and sustainably.

Demo: Smart Metering with LwM2M IoT Device Management Protocol

To showcase the capabilities of LwM2M-driven solutions, AVSystem's proficient team of embedded developers proudly introduces "Bubblemaker" – an interactive smart water meter demonstration.

Demo project “Bubblemaker” presenting LwM2M connectivity applied to water pumps

This innovative demo harnesses the power of LwM2M and IPSO sensor (The Internet Protocol for Smart Objects) support to provide an intuitive solution for measuring the flow of liquids using cellular or Wi-Fi connectivity to connect to the cloud and report the information on water usage or, in case of this demo, how much water was pumped through the system.

The solution serves as a compelling showcase of LwM2M's capabilities, Anjay LwM2M Client's functionality, and the Coiote IoT Device Management Platform's seamless integration.

Data collected in the Coiote IoT Device Managmenent Platform for the demo project “Bubblemaker”

Measuring cumulated water volume, minimum flow rate, and maximum flow rate in water management serves multiple critical use cases:

  • Billing and Revenue: Cumulated water volume is essential for accurate billing, while minimum and maximum flow rates help detect anomalies and potential billing errors.
  • Resource Allocation: Cumulated water volume data aids in resource planning, ensuring an adequate water supply, while flow rates assist in optimizing distribution.
  • Leak Detection: Monitoring cumulated water volume and flow rates helps identify leaks and abnormal consumption patterns, reducing water loss.
  • Infrastructure Maintenance: Minimum and maximum flow rates are critical for evaluating the health of water meters and network components, guiding maintenance efforts.
  • Demand Forecasting: Cumulated water volume data is crucial for forecasting future demand and planning infrastructure upgrades.
  • Compliance and Reporting: Data on cumulated water volume, and minimum, and maximum flow rates are essential for regulatory compliance and reporting.

Final thoughts

In a world increasingly defined by concerns over water scarcity and environmental sustainability, the strides made in water management technology are nothing short of remarkable. The introduction of smart water meters, bolstered by NB-IoT and LwM2M, heralds a new era for water management companies, streamlining consumption monitoring and enhancing regulatory compliance. However, we've merely scratched the surface. "Bubblemaker," AVSystem's demonstration, offers just a glimpse of the untapped potential, from leak detection to predictive maintenance. As water resource challenges persist, technology and innovation stand as key allies in safeguarding this vital resource.



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