posted: March 29, 2024 

Guest WiFi - Easter Marketing with AI: A Step-by-Step Guide

Guest WiFi - Easter with AI

Campaign with AI

Easter is around the corner, and it's the perfect time to connect with your customers in a fun and engaging way using guest WiFi and a dash of AI magic. Let’s dive into how you can make your Easter marketing campaign as enjoyable as the holiday itself, without getting too bogged down in the technicalities. All that with Linkyfi - guest WiFi marketing solution.

1. Choosing Your Campaign Type

For Easter, a one-shot campaign is your best bet. Think of it as sending out a single, vibrant Easter card that everyone remembers.

2. Crafting Your Campaign

  • Name Your Campaign: Choose a name that’s both fun and festive, capturing the essence of Easter.
  • Schedule Wisely: Pick the delivery date and time, keeping time zones in mind, especially if your brand celebrates across the globe.

3. Setting Up Your Audience

  • Target Group: Create a group specifically for this campaign. Name it something festive and add an icon that screams Easter, like an adorable bunny or a brightly painted egg.
  • Inclusion: Aim to include everyone. Easter’s a time for universal joy, and your campaign should mirror that.

Reach out to the Linkyfi team to learn how to refine your target audience using WiFi-derived data.

4. Deciding Who to Reach

Target every type of customer - new, returning, and even those who haven’t visited in a while your venue with guest WiFi. Spread the Easter joy far and wide.

5. Launching Your Campaign

  • Medium: Choose between email or SMS. It’s important to reach out only to those who have agreed to hear from you, keeping in line with privacy standards. How these data are gathered - through captive portal - learn more about it.
  • Message Limits: Set a cap on the number of messages to keep your audience engaged without overwhelming them.

6. Designing Your Message

  • Layout: Select a design that fits the Easter theme.
  • Images: Upload relevant images to add a visual pop. Soon, AI will be able to help create custom images, making this step even easier.
  • Campaign Description: Use AI to craft a compelling message. Mention your special Easter promotion, like a discount code or a "buy two, get one free" offer, and ensure your call to action is clear and inviting.

7. Call to Action

Your call to action should be as tempting as the last chocolate egg in the basket as well as consistent with captive portal previously seen by visitor during log-in to guest WiFi. Make it straightforward and compelling, urging your audience to take the next step, whether it’s visiting your site or making a purchase.


  • "Hop to It! 🐰 Secure Your Easter Special Now!"
  • "Unlock Your Easter Treat 🌸 Click Here!"
  • "Join the Easter Egg-venture 🥚 Reserve Your Spot!"

Real-life example:

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8. Final Touches

  • Review Everything: Double-check your campaign settings and content for accuracy. Ensure your captive portal gathers confirmed contact information.
  • Preview: Look at how your campaign appears on both desktop and mobile to ensure it’s as engaging as can be.
  • Launch: Once everything looks good, launch your campaign into the world!

Friendly Tips for a Successful Campaign

Make It Personal: Use the data you’ve gathered through your guest WiFi to personalize your campaign messages. A personal touch can significantly boost engagement. If your guest WiFi captive portal gathers first name, let's start this way "Hey [first name], your favorite chocolate bunny is waiting for you!"

Embrace the Easter Spirit: Use Easter-themed language, visuals, and promotions to create a festive atmosphere. This helps make your campaign more relatable and engaging.

Create a Sense of Urgency: Limited-time offers encourage quicker action. Frame your promotions as exclusive Easter specials to get more immediate responses. Linkyfi’s AI marketing will help you with this!

Gather Insights: After your campaign, take the time to understand what worked and what didn’t. This feedback is invaluable for refining future marketing efforts. Read more in WiFi marketing 101

By following these steps and keeping the process light-hearted and engaging, your Easter marketing campaign is all set to be a hit. Happy marketing, and may your Easter be filled with joy and success!

Ready for WiFi Magic? Get Linkyfi Today – Reach Out!

Whole tutorial in video form

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